General Information
Season :    2004
Voyage :     1
Cruise Name :     Pilot Expedition to Southern Ocean
Voyage Classification :     Ocean Science, Southern Ocean Studies
Ship Name :     ORV Sagar Kanya

Name of Chief Scientist / Leader :     Dr. M. Sudhakar NCPOR, Goa.
Name of Deputy Chief Scientist / Leader :     Dr. V.Ramesh Babu NIO,Goa.
Voyage Objectives
1. Atmospheric Aerosol Observations.
2. To measure Surface-met and upper atmospheric parameters over southern ocean using Automatic Weather Station and Radiosondes respectively.
3. Physical oceanographic studies were aimed at understanding the temperature-salinity (T-S) structures, morphology of circumpolar fronts, circilation regimes in the water column and air-sea interaction processes pertaining to the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
4. The objectives of the Biology group were,
(i) To estmate latitudinal variations in the primary productivity, chlorophyll content and planktonic forms in relation to the nutrient availability, current patterns and other environmental parameters.
(ii) Qualitative studies in the bacterial fauna below the euphotic zone and in the waters off bottom and their role in the decomposition/mineralisation process.
(iii) Qualitative studies on the macro and micro benthos.
(iv) Observations on marine mammals and avian fauna.
(v) Determination of the bacterioplankton abundance below the euphotic zone and off bottom waters in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean.
(vi) Qualitative study of benthic fauna in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean.
(vii) Assessment of microbial diversity at the sea bottom using 16Sr DNA based techniques.
(viii)Identify and enumerate harmful algal species.
(xi) Survey for algal blooms — if any — and collect related environment data.
(x) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of mesozooplankton in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean up to 1000m depth.
(xi) Estimation of Primary production, Chlorophyll a and qualitative & quantitative study of phytoplankton groups in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean.
(xii) Microzooplankton studies in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean.
5. Sea water samples were collected for analyses of dissolved oxygen (DO) studies.
6. To understand the water mass circulation and physico-chemical behavior of the cold region the water samples were collected in a regular interval. Further to understand the biogeochemistry of the ocean the various depth of water columns were collected.
7. The geological exploration during this expedition were carried out with the following objectives:
To understand spatial patterns of sedimentation as well as distribution of microfauna. along the various geographic/ oceanic fronts within the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean.
(a) To document and quantify the different microfauna preserved in the sediments so as to make a database for multiple microfossils.
(b) Establish a relationship between the different types of microfossils viz. calcareous versus siliceous microfossils against the geochemical parameters and therefore search better proxies for getting the past information better.
(c) To decipher the temporal variations in the various oceanographic processes during the geological past and its implications on the Indian Ocean circulation dynamics in particular and global climate system in general.
The Expedition was very successful and all the planned research activities were accomplished. For more details please refer Cruise report.
Voyage Reports
From | Depart | To | Arrive |
Kochi | 01/23/2004 | Karwar | 03/04/2004 |
Voyage track

Voyage Activities
Atmospheric Aerosol Observations.
Aerosol Black Carbon.
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD).
Aerosol Samples.
Automatic Weather Station & Radiosonde.
Physical Oceanography.
Biological Oceanography.
Chemical Oceanography.
Geological Sampling.
Satellite Validation.
Voyage Details
Pl refer to Voyage Report.
Weather Data
Please refer Voyage Report
Science Projects
Please refer Voyage Report